Donate to Roscoe Village
Your support really helps
Donations to Roscoe Village help to sustain our educational programs, and to preserve the historical canal era buildings and archives for future generations.
Donation FAQs
- Cash is the simplest and most popular form of charitable giving.
- Negotiable securities (stocks and bonds) are another popular method of giving. The Village staff can help facilitate any stock transfers.
- Gifts of real estate, art, jewelry and other personal property also may be made to the Village. Gifts-in-kind, such as equipment, books and software, are also welcomed.
- Corporate matching gifts may significantly increase your total gift. Please check with your personnel office for the details of their matching gifts program to take full advantage of this opportunity.
- The Roscoe Village Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization for federal income tax purposes.
Buy a membership as a gift
- Individual Membership -- $30 annually
- Family Membership -- $50 annually
- Sustaining Membership -- $100 annually
- Contributing Membership -- $250 annually
- William Roscoe Society Membership -- $1000 annually, $10,000/ lifetime
Tax Deductible
Historic Roscoe Village is operated by the Roscoe Village Foundation, a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. The mission of the Roscoe Village Foundation is the preservation, restoration and interpretation of Roscoe’s heritage during Ohio’s Canal Era. Your membership dues are tax deductible under the Internal Revenue Code.